Operating System: macOS 10.14.6 or higher Graphics Card: NVIDIA Maxwell GPU (GeForce 900 series card or higher), AMD Polaris (AMD GCN 4) or higher (Radeon RX 400 card or higher) Processor: Intel 64-bit CPU or AMD 64-bit CPU with SSE3 support Operating System: Windows 10 64-bit Version 1809 or higher The following Official System Requirements are for Maxon’s most recent Cinema 4D Version “S24”: Let’s take a quick look at the System Requirements of Cinema 4D that Maxon claims on their website. I’ve been a daily Cinema 4D User for decades, now, and completely understand its popularity. It’s easier to learn than most of its 3D-Software competitors and enjoys a steady influx of new users, also thanks to regular releases full of exciting features and the recent acquisition of the GPU Renderer, Redshift. Maxon’s Cinema 4D is one of the most popular Applications for Motion Design, Animation, 3D Modeling, and Rendering Workloads. In this case, you might want to find out if your PC is too weak for Cinema 4D You already own Cinema 4D and are actively using it, but the Software is behaving sluggishly or takes forever to complete a render.

Answers to frequently asked questions (FAQ)Īlthough Cinema 4D’s official System Requirements seem fairly low, there’s more to them than meets the eye at first glance.Custom PC Build Suggestions for Cinema 4D.How to upgrade your PC to run Cinema 4D faster.How to check your current specs to see if you can run Cinema 4D.Our PC Build Recommendation for Cinema 4D.

Our take on Cinema 4D’s official System Requirements.